Whanau Ora - Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi



Te Kohanga Reo National Trust Board

Ko te mokopuna he taonga whakahirahira ahakoa tona tau, tona whakapapa, tona ira tangata me ona pumanawa.

The Kohanga Reo National Trust Board congratulates and supports Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi Ltd, Health and Safety Resource package. It is not only valuable for mokopuna learning and play, but for adults as well.

The inclusion of a Planner is an added bonus for whanau and using this as guidelines to work with these resources can strengthen the awareness and importance of Health and Safety for mokopuna and whanau. But more importantly, the fun and satisfaction our mokopuna will get from these well-informed and colourful resources.

Naku noa


Iritana Tawhiwhirangi

Chief Executive Officer


MOBILE: 021 751 813EMAIL: tekotuku001@xtra.co.nz
ADDRESS: 816A Eaton Road, Hastings, New Zealand
© 2014 Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi Ltd - All Rights Reserved