Whanau Ora - Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi


Puzzle Prices

All prices are New Zealand dollars and inclusive of GST

$15 PER PUZZLE or purchase a set of 12 puzzles @ $120 and save $60.
Also for an extra $5.00 purchase the lesson planner.

For Te Kohanga Reo / Early Childhood Centres / Kura Maori
and Junior Primary Schools

Package & Delivery in New Zealand

Book and CD Prices

Books retail at $15.00 inc GST Goods and Service Tax.

Teachers Lesson Planner $5.00

Postage cost depending on where you are in NZ between $8.00 - $15.00

For postage to countries overseas add an additional $20.00 to cover postage and handling for books.

All prices are New Zealand currency and GST inclusive.

13 bi-lingual stories are now available on CD.
Cost $50.00 inc gst

Copyright protection over all resources.
  Kotuku Bi-Lingual Toy

Toy Cost is $15 inc GST

Health & Safety Puzzles Order Form

Bank Account
Please make all payments to
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Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi

Te Kotuku
Rerenga Tahi

816A Eaton Road
New Zealand

Rapid Eye New Media
WHITE HERON (Egretta alba modesta) - These elegant pure white herons nest in large colonies, known as heronries, and the females lay three to five bluish-green eggs in stick nests, which are built in trees or bushes.
MOBILE: 021 751 813EMAIL: tekotuku001@xtra.co.nz
ADDRESS: 816A Eaton Road, Hastings, New Zealand
© 2014 Te Kotuku Rerenga Tahi Ltd - All Rights Reserved